odroid setup
Preparing for data collection with the Sensor Platform, which is now named ShallowCam.
Mission: Drift around Oso and collect georeferenced video.
A simple mission, but needs some software.
These notes will later become part of proper documentation.
Part 1: Get dynamic IP without a monitor.
The platform should work entirely without the need for display or input devices. Using SSH for headless use is the obvious solution, but requires knowing the target IP. On the campus wireless network, I am not sure that I can count on getting the same IP each time. So I made it post the output of ‘ifconfig’ to the joker server.
On joker, create this structure:
__mkdir platforms__ __mkdir ShallowCam__
On Odroid, create this structure:
__mkdir ~/scripts__ __mkdir ~/scripts/statusPages
Create script: ~/scripts/statusPages/ifconfig.sh
SCRIPTPATH="/home/odroid/scripts/statusPages" sleep 30 # This is to give odroid time to set up WIFI eval "$(ssh-agent)" ssh-add /home/odroid/.ssh/id_rsa date > $SCRIPTPATH/ifconfig.txt echo "" >> $SCRIPTPATH/ifconfig.txt ifconfig >> $SCRIPTPATH/ifconfig.txt ekrell@joker.tamucc.edu:platforms/ShallowCam/ifconfig.txt > $SCRIPTPATH/ifconfig.log
Setup fake hardware clock
Source: https://forum.odroid.com/viewtopic.php?f=141&t=20887 __sudo apt-get install fake-hwclock__ __sudo fake-hwclock__
Part 2: OpenCV
Do this: https://github.com/nanuyo/opencvsh_for_ubuntu_mate/blob/master/opencv_install_to_ubuntu_mate_16.04.sh If you have trouble with any packages, enable the "multiverse" packages in apt sources Then fix an issue with a library:
Test it out with a simple script (Need to have USB camera plugged in)
__python ~/scripts/demos/camTest.py__
Part 3: GPS
- https://bigdanzblog.wordpress.com/2015/01/18/connecting-u-blox-neo-6m-gps-to-raspberry-pi/
- http://wiki.ambedded.com.tw/index.php?title=How_to_get_GPS_data_on_ubuntu
- https://wiki.odroid.com/accessory/connectivity/usb_gps
Note that it can take a while to get a GPS fix.
__sudo apt-get update__ __sudo apt-get install gpsd gpsd-clients python-gps __ __sudo apt-get foxtrotgps__
Configure gpsd
Modify this file: /etc/default/gpsd Only these: START_DAEMON="true" USBAUTO="false" DEVICES="/dev/ttyACM0" GSPD_OPTIONS="-n" GSPD_SOCKET="/var/run/gpsd.sock"
Test GPS
reboot __cgps__
Test out python GPS (COMING SOON)